Platform Phoenix

Company Profile: Platform Phoenix

Social curation projects require an experienced team, a professional technical platform, and strong marketing effectiveness to come to fruition. This is not a task that can be successful without a dedicated team monitoring the project creation and maintenance throughout. Hence, companies and developers that need a scalable social curation project need a platform that delivers high-quality, excellent results and fast-launching solutions to the clients.

What is Platform Phoenix?

Platform Phoenix is a social creation project that offers seamless project creation and maintenance solutions committed to delivering significant results. The company provides a standardized development process to minimize entry barriers and offers both, horizontal and vertical scalability to projects across all subsystems. The platform’s projects have generated up to 20 million search volume requests per day and Phoenix is known to deliver up to 0.5 billion emails per day.

Aiming for versatility, stability, and scalability, the platform is capable of handling high-load systems with high-performance capabilities. Hence. platform Phoenix’s best features present you the flexibility to run a wide range of projects giving you the freedom to choose your project type, design, and a unique development perspective throughout.

The Developer’s Toolkit

Platform Phoenix understands the needs of the developers while creating different projects and offers solutions that give full freedom to the developers to create designs and sites. Equipped with unique, robust, and advanced technical solutions, Platform Phoenix is one of the most effective solutions for developers. Some of these solutions include:

  • Semantic HTML Codes: If you are a coder looking to experiment with how your project looks, this is your go-to tool. As a developer, you get faster loading time, higher availability, and advanced search engine placement for your project.
  • Module System: Developers can get access to customized solutions for different projects they take up with a logical system structured and designed to meet different types of project requirements.
  • YII Framework: Platform Phoenix realizes the importance of creating a robust PHP framework. Hence, it offers a highly efficient PHP framework creation platform aimed at delivering fast results.

Along with these technical features, Platform Phoenix is known to offer versatile scalability that enables you to develop powerful products sans the expensive new servers and downtime needed to relaunch the system on other platforms. In fact, with Phoenix, you get access to all advanced technological tools required to create productive solutions like Hadoop, Apache Lucene, RabbitMQ, MongoDB, MogileFS, and others.

Platform Phoenix

An Investor’s Profitable Solution

Platform Phoenix stands out as a profitable solution for investors of its social and mobile support needed to enhance the scalability of its project. As an investor, you need someone who is always available to guide you through barriers and help manage your project without compromising your investment.

Hence, Platform Phoenix’s features add value to your investment with its unique technical solution and support needed to grow a project.  The platform’s marketing effectiveness helps you capitalise on your investment.